HomeShowbizRita Ora remembers the 12th anniversary of her first album "ORA" with...

Rita Ora remembers the 12th anniversary of her first album “ORA” with the song she dedicated to Kosovo



The world-famous Albanian singer, Rita Ora, remembered today the 12th anniversary of her first debut album, “ORA”, through a very special video published on Instagram. In this video, moments from her performances of songs from this album are seen, as the entire video is accompanied by the rhythm of the song “Shine Ya Light” – a song which is a dedication to her homeland, Kosovo.

“My God, I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since my debut album ‘Ora’ came out! She is a decade queen!! Much love to everyone who has been listening since 2012! What is your favorite song from the album?” Rita wrote in the caption of the video.

The album “ORA” remains a key moment in Rita’s career, as it gave her a big boost in the international market. Three of the songs from this album, “How We Do (Party)”, “RIP”, and “Hot Right Now”, reached the top of the UK charts, putting Rita on the world music map.

Rita Ora has always shown a special dedication to her hometown and to her fans who have supported her throughout her career. The video released today is a testament to this dedication and a sharing of special moments from the beginning of her artistic journey.

The memory of the 12th anniversary of the album “ORA” is a reminder of how important this album has been for Rita’s career and for all those who have supported her throughout the years. On this occasion, fans were invited to share their favorite song from the album, engaging in an emotional and nostalgic dialogue with the singer.

In addition to the album “ORA”, Rita has two other albums debuted on the market, “Phoenix” in 2019 and “You and I” in 2023, as well as an EP (mini-album) titled “Bang” in 2021. 


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