HomeKulturaDashnim Hebibi with two books dedicated to Albanian women in the diaspora

Dashnim Hebibi with two books dedicated to Albanian women in the diaspora



Poet, publicist, at the same time president of the Helvetic Scientific Institute of Southeast Europe based in Zurich, Switzerland, Dashnim Hebibi has published two books dedicated to Albanian women in the diaspora.

A few days ago, Hebibi said on his Facebook social network that after a relatively long and dedicated work, two more books were added to the diaspora, which will remain an eternal monument.

He emphasized that he dedicated these two books to mothers, daughters of the diaspora, who were part of many events for the benefit of the homeland and are an inspiration for the new generations.

“Dear friends of the book, after a relatively long and dedicated work, two more books were added to our diaspora, which will remain an eternal monument! I dedicated the two books to mothers, daughters of the diaspora, who were part of many events for the benefit of the homeland and are an inspiration for the new generations. It is an empirical research, carried out with a focus group. I thank all those who supported me, so that we can achieve this next success and I will be grateful to you for life! The books have seen the light of publication and very soon we will have the promotion in several European cities! The cover has its own language or the meaning of the book, both in part one and part two,” he wrote.

Among other things, hebibi said that: “The Albanian mother in the diaspora with an open face remembering her not so easy past. The second part of the book, the Albanian mother in the diaspora, and she, looking at the present and the future, the new generation and enjoying their success even though they are living far from the country of their ancestors and accompanied by the flower of the diaspora. Only documents remain with facts and references for generations to come. Even when many of us are no more, these are documents, indelible traces, which prove the vital dedication of the pillar of the family and the exiled Albanian society”.


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