HomeBOTAHalle Berry Has One Response to Critics Who Say the 2004 'Catwoman'...

Halle Berry Has One Response to Critics Who Say the 2004 ‘Catwoman’ Movie Was a Failure



Halle Berry is firing back at critics of Catwoman as the 20th anniversary of the film approaches.

During a recent interview on The Tonight Show, the Oscar-winning actress continued to praise the comic book movie despite its negative reviews. The infamous film also earned Berry a Razzie Award for Worst Actress of the Year.

“I loved it,” she told host Jimmy Fallon. “It got heavily criticized. The critics said it was a huge failure. But I don’t think it’s as bad as they say.”

Berry continued, “What makes me happy is that kids have discovered it online now, and they love it. That’s so gratifying for me. Because now they’re saying it’s ‘cool,’ and I’m wondering what everyone’s problem was back then. Now I feel like a ‘brat’” (referring to Charli XCX’s brat summer trend). Fallon went on to dub the actress “Bratwoman” and asked if she would ever reprise the role. Berry responded, “Maybe,” but only if she could direct it.

Berry had previously expressed her interest in directing a Catwoman remake back in 2021, telling Jake Hamilton that she wished “she could go back and redo that” with the experience she gained from directing her 2020 feature debut, Bruised.

“I would have Catwoman saving the world like most male superheroes do, and not just saving women from superficial problems,” the actress said about the plot of Catwoman, which featured the superhero taking on a corrupt cosmetics company. “I would raise the stakes and make it more inclusive of both men and women.”

Berry also admitted to Entertainment Weekly last month that the negative press surrounding the Pitof-directed film had affected her at the time, as she was blamed for its “failure.”

“I didn’t love [the backlash],” she said. “As a Black woman, I’m used to carrying negativity, fighting, swimming against the current on my own… A little bad publicity about a movie? I didn’t love it, but it wasn’t going to stop me from doing what I love to do.”


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