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His villa in Ibiza was vandalized, Messi shocks climate activists with a demand for compensation



Lionel Messi has sought tens of thousands of euros in damages after his villa in Ibiza was targeted by climate activists who painted over its facade.

The group Futuro Vegetal announced that at the beginning of the month it targeted a villa in Ibiza belonging to Lionel Messi, wanting in this way to condemn the inaction of the richest in the fight against global warming.

Because of this, they vandalized Messi’s villa by painting it with red and black paint.

“They teach us that the powerful are invulnerable. It is true that policies are designed to serve those who have the most, while directly attacking the rights of the rest of the population. But they represent only 1 percent of the population”, said the activists in the description of the video, published on social networks.

After all that happened, Messi also reacted, who filed a lawsuit and now demands a huge compensation of 50 thousand euros, both for the vandalism and for the invasion of his private house.

This amount shocked activists who were surprised by this request.

“It’s a water-based paint, so a priori it can be hosed off and at best you’ll have to rub it in a bit. But, in the worst case, even if you had to repaint the facade, it would not cost 50,000 euros”, answered this organization. 


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