HomeShowbizMeghan Markle and Prince Harry share a kiss while salsa dancing in...

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry share a kiss while salsa dancing in Colombia



Meghan Markle and Prince Harry packed on the PDA Monday amid their four-day tour of Colombia.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex shared a sweet kiss while joyfully dancing salsa during their visit to the Jóvenes en Cali youth center, according to photos and videos from the energetic appearance.

“Upon their arrival, the couple received a warm and enthusiastic welcome, as their visit opened with various salsa and hip hop performances,” a press release stated on their website. “The Duke and Duchess joined the student dancers on the floor towards the end of the musical segment.”

Harry, 37, and Marke, 43, looked loved-up as they twirled and giggled while other children joined them on the dance floor.

The former “Suits” actress looked stunning in a chic linen skirt and casual brown sandals. Her husband looked laid back in a blue button-down and white pants.

Following their PDA-filled dance floor moment, the pair spoke directly with the youth and listened to the kids’ personal stories about their challenges and how music and dancing have bettered their lives.

“I hope you understand how much your actions impact the people and children in your communities,” Harry told the crowd. “The path you’ve chosen will inspire and drive change for hundreds, even thousands, of young people.” 

Markle also commended the students for prioritizing the arts to support their mental health.

The Archewell founders had been busy touring the South American country and participated in several fun and engaging activities centered around empowering the youth.


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