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Priscilla Presley shares heartfelt tribute to Elvis Presley on the 47th anniversary of his death



Priscilla Presley paid tribute to her late ex-husband Elvis Presley on Friday on the 47th anniversary of his death.

“47 years and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you,” shared the 79-year-old businesswoman in a heartfelt post on Instagram.

Then, the mother of Elvis’ only child, paid tribute to an instrumental version of the classic hit “Always On My Mind”, writes 

The video featured a black-and-white photograph of the young Elvis and ended with a black screen that read: “Elvis Aaron Presley, January 8, 1935 – August 16, 1977.”

Elvis recorded “Always On My Mind” on March 29, 1972, which was the day after singer Gwen McRae first released it as a single.

The original version also came just weeks after Elvis and Priscilla had split in February, leading many to speculate that the team of Wayne Carson, Mark James and Johnny Christopher wrote the song specifically for the King Of Rock And Roll.

For years, many fans believed that Elvis’ marital problems were the inspiration for the song and that it was adapted to his musical style.

Fueling the rumors was the fact that James had already written the hit song Suspicious Minds for Presley.

In the end, Carson claimed that “Alway On My Mind” was not written for Presley, but for anyone, and that he considers it “a long apology.”


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